Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of our most frequently asked questions about Snowtrax Race Squad.

Who can attend Race Squad?

Skiers that have been referred by our team of coaches. Skiers that have advanced through the Snowtrax academy.

What ages are our Racers?

Children can join our race squad, once they have passed an ability assessment, from the age of 6. We have a mixture of ages within our team, in a friendly environment whereby children can mix and enjoy the love of Snowsports!

What kit do I need to get started?

Kit hire for skis, boots and helmets is available from the Snowtrax Rental desk. As you progress through the Race Squad you will need to start thinking about getting your own skis, boots and protective equipment to further develop and maximise performance.

When are Race Squad sessions?

Snowtrax Race Squad Sessions are held at Snowtrax Alpine Activity Centre Every Wednesday and Saturday from 5pm.

How do I join the Race Squad?

All Race Squad applicants need to pass an “assessment session”, which would take place during an Alpine Rockets session at Snowtrax. Alpine Rockets is the primary feed in club, which delivers weekly training sessions preparing attendees for promotion to the Snowtrax Race Squad. If you are already a member of Alpine Rockets and want to be considered for the Race Squad – please indicate this to your instructor so that an assessment can be organised. If you don’t currently attend Alpine Rockets sessions at Snowtrax, please Contact Us on the information below to arrange an assessment.

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Reception – 01202 499155
[email protected]


Snowtrax, Matchams Lane
Hurn, Dorset BH23 6AW

